0. GBase 8s 介绍
GBase 8s 是天津南大通用数据技术股份有限公司自主研发、支持共享存储集群、两地三中心部署的、成熟稳定的百T金融级事务型国产数据库,拥有自主知识产权。支持集中式部署、共享存储高可用部署、支持两地三中心高可用部署,具备高容量、高并发、高性能等特性。
GBase 8s 适用于 OLTP 应用场景,包括金融、电信行业的关键核心业务系统,安全、党政、国防等行业对信息安全性有较高要求的信息系统,以及大型企业的经营类、管理类信息系统。能够提供 7*24 小时不间断运行处理能力,在 80% 以上场景中可以替代国际主流数据库。
1. 安装 GBase 8s
本文主要介绍 GBase 8s V8.8(兼容Oracle)产品的单机安装及基础用法。
从 GBase 官网下载 GBase 8s V8.8(兼容Oracle)安装包,本文使用的是 CentOS 7.9 系统,所以这里选择【GBase8sV8.8_TL_3.5.1_x86.7z】安装包。
提示:这里需要安装 p7zip
1 2 yum install -y p7zip 7za e GBase8sV8.8_TL_3.5.1_x86.7z
1 2 [root@shawnyan gbase]# ls clientsdk_3.5.1_x86.tar GBase8sV8.8_TL_3.5.1_x86.7z GBase8sV8.8_TL_3.5.1_x86.tar GBaseInit_gbasedbt.sh
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [root@shawnyan gbase]# tar xvf GBase8sV8.8_TL_3.5.1_x86.tar ids_install onsecurity doc/ doc/ids_machine_notes_12.10.txt doc/ids_unix_relnotes_12.10.html ids.properties .gbase.properties
创建 gbasedbt
1 2 groupadd gbasedbt useradd -g gbasedbt gbasedbt
1 2 mkdir -pv /opt/GBASE/gbase chown gbasedbt:gbasedbt -R /opt/GBASE
GBase 8s 一般有三种安装方式:
swing 图形化安装
console 控制台安装
silent 静默化安装
这里使用 console 控制台方式进行安装 GBase 8s。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 [root@shawnyan gbase]# ./ids_install ... =============================================================================== GBase Software Bundle (created with InstallAnywhere) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation... ... DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT? (Y/N): Y ... Default Install Folder: /opt/GBASE/gbase ... -- 约 5 分钟 ... Installation Complete --------------------- Congratulations! GBase Software Bundle installation is complete. Product install status: GBase: Successful GBase Connect: Successful GBase 8s V8.8 For more information about using GBase products, see the GBase Information Center at http://www.gbase.cn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [root@shawnyan gbase]# cd /opt/GBASE/gbase [root@shawnyan gbase]# cat ol_gbasedbt1210.ksh >> /home/gbasedbt/.bash_profile [root@shawnyan gbase]# su - gbasedbt [gbasedbt@shawnyan ~]$ env | grep GBASEDB GBASEDBTSQLHOSTS=/opt/GBASE/gbase/etc/sqlhosts.gbaseserver GBASEDBTSERVER=gbaseserver GBASEDBTDIR=/opt/GBASE/gbase
1 2 3 4 5 6 [root@shawnyan ~]# ps auxf | grep oninit | grep -v grep gbasedbt 25086 0.0 1.6 358012 131144 ? S< 12:06 0:00 /opt/GBASE/gbase/bin/oninit -ivwy root 25087 0.0 0.0 358012 5100 ? S< 12:06 0:00 \_ /opt/GBASE/gbase/bin/oninit -ivwy root 25088 0.0 0.0 358012 4456 ? S< 12:06 0:00 \_ /opt/GBASE/gbase/bin/oninit -ivwy root 25089 0.0 0.0 358012 4448 ? S< 12:06 0:00 \_ /opt/GBASE/gbase/bin/oninit -ivwy ...
2. GBase 8s 管理命令
1 2 3 4 [gbasedbt@shawnyan ~]$ oninit -vy Reading configuration file '/opt/GBASE/gbase/etc/onconfig.ol_gbasedbt1210'...succeeded ... Verbose output complete: mode = 5
1 2 [gbasedbt@shawnyan ~]$ onmode -ky Your evaluation license will expire on 2025-02-20 00:00:00
1 2 [gbasedbt@shawnyan ~]$ gstat -version GBase 8s V8.8
1 2 3 [gbasedbt@shawnyan ~]$ onstat - Your evaluation license will expire on 2025-02-20 00:00:00 On-Line -- Up 03:26:35 -- 175748 Kbytes
3. GBase 8s 创建实例
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 [gbasedbt@shawnyan gbase]$ cd etc/ [gbasedbt@shawnyan etc]$ ./GBaseInit_gbasedbt.sh ... INSTANCE SUMMARY: Instance name: gbaseserver GBase install directory: /opt/GBASE/gbase IP address & port: Character set: en_US.819 Logical log space size: 840 MB Physical log space size: 840 MB Smart LOB space size: 198 MB Temp DBSpace size: 198 MB Data path: /opt/GBASE/gbase/gbaseserver_dbs Data path free size: 8408 MB ... Creating database: gbasedb...OK Now you can use this URL to connect to gbasedb: jdbc:gbasedbt-sqli://; Version: Your evaluation license will expire on 2025-02-20 00:00:00 On-Line -- Up 00:00:16 -- 4275148 Kbytes Build Number: 3.5.1_3_6a4e30 GBase Initializing Finished!
4. 连接到 GBase 8s 数据库
是 GBase 8s 数据库的一个命令行客户端工具,用来与 GBase 8s 数据库服务器进行交互。
提示,这里可以安装 rlwrap
1 2 yum install -y rlwrap alias dbaccess='rlwrap dbaccess'
使用 dbaccess
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [gbasedbt@shawnyan bin]$ dbaccess - - Your evaluation license will expire on 2025-02-20 00:00:00 > select dbinfo('version_gbase','full') from dual; (constant) GBase8sV8.8_TL_3.5.1_3_6a4e30 1 row(s) retrieved.
5. 切换到 Oracle 兼容模式
命令行工具切换到 Oracle 兼容模式。
1 set environment sqlmode 'oracle';
使用 JDBC 连接到 GBase 8s 时,需要在连接串增加 sqlmode=oracle
选项来开启 Oracle 兼容模式。
1 jdbc:gbasedbt-sqli://;sqlmode=oracle
6. 简单的 CRUD 示例
切换到新创建的 gbasedb
1 2 3 > database gbasedb; Database selected.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 > create table t1 (id int, user varchar(50)); Table created. > insert into t1 values (1,'shawnyan'); 1 row(s) inserted. > select * from t1; id user 1 shawnyan 1 row(s) retrieved.
到此,GBase 8s 基础安装及功能演示告一段落。
如果想更深入地了解 GBase 8s,欢迎关注GBase 8s 认证培训 。